
Internal Courses

Wokingham Men’s Shed hold internal training for small groups (or individuals) to enable them to become qualified to operate machinery.

This consists of a talk running through all the elements of the machine, including how to change blades and ancillary equipment etc. plus a demonstration of the machine in use.

The trainees are made aware of all Health & Safety requirements, including personal equipment required and best practise to operate the machine. Trainees are then required to operate the machine before attaining their qualified status.

WMS is also able to hold First Aid courses as one of our members is an Ex Emergency Medical Technician.

This covers the inner workings of the heart, identification of potential problems, resuscitation and care to be given in the event of typical medical problems occurring in the shed such as stroke, wounds and eye contamination.

External Courses

WMS may invite lecturers to give presentations on other topics from time to time. For example; on Prostate Cancer.

It is also possible that we may arrange courses to be held off-site in the future.