We attended the Wokingham Winter Carnival in November 2018 in order to raise much needed start-up funds. In addition to the raffle board, Pam made Fairy Doors and Christmas decorations and Ron brought along several hobby craft items for sale.

WMS attended the Age UK Exhibition at Woodley Leisure Centre in September 2019, where we made lots of useful contacts with other local community organisations and also added a few new members to our list.
We had more items for sale on our stall at the 2019 Wokingham Winter Carnival plus over 60 donated prizes for our raffle.
The official opening of our Wokingham Men’s Shed was held on 3rd December 2019 and was attended by high numbers of shedders in addition to the Mayor and Mayoress and several members of the council who had assisted in establishing a shed in Wokingham.

The wife of one of our members made a wonderfully appropriate cake for the small celebration held after the ceremony.